The Impact of Hurricane Season on Golfing in Myrtle Beach

As a local Golf enthusiast and resident of Myrtle Beach, I have experienced firsthand how the unpredictable nature of the hurricane season can significantly impact the thriving Golf scene in our area. Myrtle Beach, blessed with over 100 Golf courses, continues to be a top destination for Golf lovers around the world. However, the annual transition between late summer to fall—with the advent of the Atlantic hurricane season—often brings about challenges that golfers, course owners, and Golf tourism at large must navigate.

Understanding Hurricane Season

The hurricane season officially starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th, peaking usually around August and September. These severe weather phenomena often induce flooding caused by torrential rain and damaging winds, with potential damage to landscapes and infrastructure. Twelve named storms, six hurricanes, of which three were categorized as major, were recorded in 2020, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Given this, the hurricane season poses a substantial risk to outdoor activities, particularly golf.

Impact on Golf Courses

As one can imagine, hurricanes and golf courses don’t get along particularly well. The weather changes brought on by tropical storms can lead to course closures due to standing water or damage from debris. For golf courses lined by trees, high winds can cause extensive damage, and in extreme cases, completely change the landscape of a hole or even an entire course. The recovery process can be painstaking, involving clearing debris, repairing irrigation systems, and restoring damaged greens and fairways.

Beyond the direct damage, standing water can drown certain types of grass, affect the soil quality, and influence the overall growth pattern. Interestingly, Hurricane Hazel in 1954—still the benchmark storm in South Carolina history—led to the invention of the overseeding process to preserve the course greens and fairways. This innovation helped golf courses stay open year-round while producing the attractive greenery that we all enjoy.

Impact on Golf Tourism

Tourism, the primary driver of Myrtle Beach’s economy, can be heavily affected during the hurricane season. Due to the severe weather concerns, potential tourists may opt to postpone their visits or choose other destinations, leading to fewer golf rounds. Golf packages booking may see a notable decline during this period, impacting hotels, restaurants, and the overall local economy. Although hotels have insurance policies to recover from physical damage, there’s no recouping the lost revenue from canceled bookings.

However, it’s worth noting that every storm is unique, and the impact on golf tourism varies. While some seasons result in complete evacuation, others may just bring a few days of heavy rainfall. The fluctuating nature of hurricanes makes it challenging for golfers and vacationers to plan their trips, but the local courses are doing everything they can to cope and bounce back quickly.

Bouncing Back: The Spirit of Myrtle Beach Golf

Despite the inevitable damage and disruptions, Myrtle Beach’s golfing community has repeatedly demonstrated its resilience. Stakeholders, from course owners to city officials and local residents, work together to get the courses back in shape and revive the local economy. Programs like ‘Golf Tourism Solutions’, rolled out to help golf courses recover after a disastrous weather event, reflects this broader community spirit.

Furthermore, the ongoing shift towards year-round golfing, facilitated by modern turfgrass varieties ad overseeding innovations, also helps Myrtle Beach courses to recover faster and stay open for longer.


While the hurricane season can be concerning for golfers and industry stakeholders in Myrtle Beach, the resilience and innovative spirit of the golfing community ensures quick recovery and adaptation to these challenges. The ultimate goal is to provide high-quality golfing experiences that Myrtle Beach is known for, regardless of the weather challenges. Remember, the sunshine after the storm is always the brightest. And in Myrtle Beach, you’re guaranteed to find it shining over a beautiful course ready for a rewarding game of golf.

24 thoughts on “The Impact of Hurricane Season on Golfing in Myrtle Beach”

  1. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. How do the golf courses prepare for these potential storms? Is there some kind of hurricane preparedness plan? It would be interesting to see a follow-up blog post on this topic.

  2. Outstanding write-up! Such a colourful description of golf in Myrtle Beach. Regardless of hurricanes, I’m excited for my next golfing trip to Myrtle Beach.

  3. ChipShotChampion

    Agree with this article wholeheartedly. Myrtle Beach’s golfing spirit is truly second to none. Resilient and strong, rain or shine.

  4. Wow, I had no idea that Hurricane Hazel led to the development of the overseeding process. It just goes to show that there can be a silver lining in any situation. Does anyone know if other innovations have come out of weather-related issues like this?

  5. Good read. As a golf enthusiast, it’s interesting to learn how much the weather can impact golf tourism. It’s like in golf, a good golfer learns to adapt to the conditions, no matter how challenging they may be. Similar principle for golf destinations, it seems.

  6. I’ve been coming to Myrtle Beach for golf vacations for 20 years, and I’ve seen a couple of those storms you’ve mentioned. Though it makes scheduling a trip a bit dicey during hurricane season, it won’t stop me from visiting. The resilience shown by the folks here is remarkable!

  7. As a weather enthusiast who also loves golf, this was a fantastic read for me. It highlights the resilience of golf communities perfectly!

    1. It’s pretty cool indeed! In simple terms, it’s seeding new grass on top of the existing one to make sure the course stays green and playable through various seasons. The whole process is a bit more complex but that’s the gist.

  8. I’ve got my trip booked to Myrtle Beach in mid-September. Hoping the weather gods will be on my side. On a side note, Hurricane Hazel led to the invention of the overseeding process!? You learn something new every day!

  9. Great insight! Never really thought about the hurricane season’s impact on golf. Fascinating read. Learnt something new today!

  10. CharlotteGolfGal

    I live just a few hours from Myrtle Beach and sometimes we do get impacted by hurricanes that hit the coast. I was there just after a storm hit a couple of years ago. It was impressive to see how fast the golf courses bounced back. Kudos to all the groundskeepers and city officials who work relentlessly, it really doesn’t go unnoticed!

  11. Being a local of Myrtle Beach, I can really back up everything mentioned in this article, our golfing culture never gets bogged down, no matter what comes our way.

  12. Incredible how much nature can impact the game and the economy. Great to see such resilience and innovation to keep the game we love going strong.

    1. It’s truly a testament to the toughness of the golfing community! Mother nature sure gives us a run for our money sometimes, but we keep swinging.

  13. TheRealPutterKing

    Living in a hurricane-prone area has its ups and downs, but we make do! You haven’t truly experienced golf till you’ve played post hurricane! Gives a whole new meaning to ‘hazards’.

    1. Couldn’t agree more, haha! Some of my most memorable games have certainly come after hurricanes, bringing both challenges and triumphs.

  14. Last year I had to cancel my trip because a major storm was predicted that week. Thankfully, the hotel gave me a full refund. Gotta roll with the punches, eh? Still, can’t wait to get out there this year. Counting on Mother Nature to be kind to us golfers.

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